German based reservoir consultants Trappe Erdoel Erdgas Consultants (TEEC) has enhanced its reservoir characterization software with a new module, ‘RefTEEC’. RefTEEC uses the seismic signature at key well locations to predict reservoir quality, facies or lithology distribution in undrilled acreage.
Gas saturation
Gas saturation has been successfully mapped using the technique. RefTEEC generates seismic reference patterns from 3D seismic sub-volumes. TEEC claims that these 3D attributes have advantages over single-trace classification approaches.
Several algorithms are used to determine the similarity of these 3D reference pattern and the volume under study. TEEC has been granted a patent on the technology. RefTEEC complements TEEC’s earlier software release, CohTEEC – coherency-analysis software used to detect subtle lineaments and fractures and to generate fault attributes (see PDM Vol. 4 N° 12). RefTEEC can now be used to study the characteristics within CohTEEC-defined fault compartments.
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