WesternGeco has signed a letter of intent to acquire Houston-based Exploration Design Software (EDS). EDS specializes in distributed imaging software for prestack time and depth migration, through its Verify, SLS, and APEX product lines. The APEX system allows CPU-intensive processing to be distributed out to hundreds of low cost, commodity compute servers. One customer, Spectrum Energy and Information Technology uses APEX to control its 1,200 server cluster (See PDM Vol. 5 N° 12).
The EDS software will complement Western-Geco’s Omega supplement seismic processing system, giving a ‘superior price/performance advantage’ in the growing prestack imaging market.
Craig Beasley, WesternGeco VP of data processing said, “The demand for prestack imaging technology for both land and deepwater marine seismic processing is expected to triple the already substantial PC cluster base in use at WesternGeco during the next year.”
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