J-GIS from INT

Int is moving into geographic information system (GIS) infrastructure support with its latest component J/GIS.

Software component developer Int’s customers want to integrate geographic information with other forms of business intelligence. However, according to Int, current GIS systems are ‘not engineered to accommodate the necessary sophisticated user interfaces, live data feeds, scaled hardcopy output, etc.’ Int is working on a solution in the form of J/GIS, a graphics environment for building interactive standalone or web-enabled spatial solutions.


J/GIS is written in Java and, like Int’s other high-level toolkits, can be used across multiple industries to develop components for scientific and business applications, decision support and process control. J/GIS lets developers integrate and overlay heterogeneous data types from different sources, such as files, databases, live data streams, or computed on the fly.

Spatial Query

Layers may be composed of vector and raster data. J/GIS can also display contoured data. J/GIS capabilities include on-the-fly projections, spatial queries, and full support for spatial primitive selection. Full control of layer attributes and visibility is provided along with hardcopy output with print preview. CGM output is available as an option. More from www.int.com.

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