Fugro acquires consultant

Fugro has bought Dutch geological and geophysical consultancy GeoLogic BV.

Fugro has acquired GeoLogic Consulting Services B.V. (GCS), headquartered in Leiden (Holland). GCS provides geological and geophysical consulting as well as information and data services to the upstream oil and gas industry. The acquisition will bolster Fugro’s services to the oil and gas market in the Netherlands and neighboring countries.


Synergy is anticipated with Fugro’s seismic data acquisition and processing business. GCS currently has a staff of 14 and has an annual turnover of about NLG 2 million.
Founded in 1980, CGS has conducted hydrocarbon studies in the North Sea and other parts of Western Europe including seismic interpretation, log evaluation, prospect analysis, structural reconstructions and management of well and license databases.

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