MMS E-Government

Booz-Allen and Petris Technology have been selected by the US Minerals Management Service to investigate electronic government.

The US Mineral Management Service has engaged consultants Booz-Allen and Hamilton (BAH) and Petris Technology to transform its Offshore Minerals Management Program into a web-enabled environment for offshore leasing and regulatory reporting.


Tom Readinger of the Office of Minerals Management (OMM) explained, “The e-Government strategy will streamline the OMM’s efforts by linking stakeholder communities, and exchanging data and transacting business via the web.” BAH VP Lloyd Howell added, “Modernizing the agency into an e-Government operation will facilitate reporting and improve response times.”


OMM IT head Gig Kocher said “BAH will help the OMM develop a robust, secure IT architecture that will assure the protection of proprietary data. Petris president Jim Pritchett concluded “The industry stands to gain almost as much as the government through easier reporting and secure access to public domain data. This may not be real-time government for the offshore oil and gas industry, but it is about as close as anyone can reasonably get.”

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