New eBiz standard approved

The new UN-backed ebXML standard is set to replace the aging EDI protocol for e-business.

Workers in the popular fields of e-commerce and business data interchange will be interested in an XML specification for e-business that was approved by the United Nations UN/CEFACT organization and industry grouping OASIS. ebXML was ‘overwhelmingly approved’ by members such as Adobe Systems, Arbortext, Auto-trol, Bentley Systems, Boeing, Commerce One, Documentum, Informix, Microsoft, Netscape/AOL, NextPage, SAP, Sun Microsystems, Xerox and IBM.


The specification is noteworthy because of the lineage of the prior standard for electronic business data exchange, EDI. The technical architecture for the new XML based version of EDI was approved last month at a meeting in Vancouver of 350 participants. The initiative is said to be ‘nearing its goal of delivering a complete suite of specifications in May 2001.’


IBM’s Rob Sutor said “Interest in ebXML continues to build at a phenomenal rate. The ebXML Technical Architecture Specification gives implementers a clear understanding of the entire initiative and how the various ebXML specifications relate to one another.” The ebXML spec covers core components, business processes, registry & repository, messaging services, trading partner agreements and security. More from

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