Following its vigorous rebuttal of rumors of PetroVision’s demise last December (PDM Vol. 5 N° 12) CGG has claimed further successes for its data management system. In addition to its four existing West Siberian contracts with Lukoil, CGG has now added a fifth Russian language databank contract, with Lukoil’s Lukbur unit based in Kogalym. CGG has also been successful with state-run Russian companies, with one databank contract from Yuzhmorgeologia, to manage all Russian offshore seismic data. Another contract was awarded for a regional databank for Khantymansiysk Okrug, Russia’s main oil producing region.
PetroVision was also selected as core technology by Bahrain state oil company Bapco. Part of a larger reservoir services contract won last year, the PetroVision E&P data management services will integrate all well and seismic data acquired on Bahraini territory. CGG’s Jean- Francois Arzel said “CGG continues to work steadily with its valued clients to address their problems, including those relating specifically to data management.”
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