Shell spins off Kalido

Shell Services has spun-off its downstream business data mining software Kalido into a new company.

Shell Services International (SSI) is to spin-off its performance management solution and data warehousing software environment into a new company Kalido Ltd. The Kalido data warehouse was initially conceived in 1996 within the IT services arm of Royal Dutch/Shell Group of Companies (Shell) to address the data management issues faced by Shell’s diverse businesses.

100 sites

Shell continues to be a key strategic investor in the spun-off unit. Kalido, now in its sixth release, is installed at over 100 sites in over 85 different countries. Deployed as a dynamically linked federation of warehouses connecting a company’s global and regional organizations, Kalido delivers both unified and multiple views of the business. Kalido allows users to generate reports on business-critical information even if the data formats are inconsistent. It also allows analysis to continue during business change, such as expansion into new geographical locations, company re-organizations or mergers and acquisitions.


Kalido CEO Andy Hayler said, “To successfully capitalize on strategic business opportunities in today’s competitive climate, organizations need their vital business and financial performance information on tap. Kalido allows our customers to maintain a global view of their business without affecting the way the local or regional arms of their organization conduct business and manage their information.”


Kalido was presented at a POSC member meeting in 1999. SSI’s Linda Hickman traced the product’s evolution from Shell’s internally-developed “Genie” software into SSI’s data mining flagship. Hickman described the technology as ‘next generation’ data modeling – using STAR schema data cubes and OLAP. Although the product was developed well before e-business was in vogue, it has turned out to be “a great facilitator.” Most Kalido use has been in the downstream sector, but Shell has used the tool for upstream key performance indicators. Kalido was originally implemented in Platinum, a product now subsumed into Computer Associates’ ER-Win. More from

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