Biztech standards emerge (January 2001)

New standards for production to ERP integration are now available on the Biztech for Energy public website. They are based on Microsofts XDR data extension to XML.

Announced last October (PDM Vol. 5 N 10), the first Biztech for Energy standard for production data capture to ERP integration has at last (at least partially) been released to the public. Elements of the spec are now available on the website, under the ratified specifications section.


What is on the web gives a glimpse of how the spec is developing and of the underlying technology. This is XML, of course, but the data definition is held in XML-Data Reduced (XDR) schemas. These define the individual elements, attributes, and relations used in the XML structure. This is a decidedly Microsoft-esque flavor of XML, and we were intrigued that this was adopted by an organization that included Oracle. Or perhaps not. Oracle is no longer listed as a member of B4E, so the world order is not troubled!

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