PPDM V 3.5 (January 2001)

A major release of the Public Petroleum Data Model is claimed to facilitate GIS linkage.

The Calgary-based The Public Petroleum Data Model (PPDM) Association has released Version 3.5 of its petroleum data model. The major release adds seven new modules to the business-driven petroleum data model and significant enhancements to another eight.

Spatial support

The new model offers additions to technical data definitions, release documentation and diagrams, support module reference guides, sample data sets, data mappings and support for spatial enabling the data model. Improvements in the land module facilitate administration and management of contractual agreements which cover virtually every aspect of the oil and gas industry, from exploration to production.


New land coverage includes provisions, partnerships and interest sets, obligations, accounting and operating procedures, spatial or aerial extent and legal disputes. Principle subject areas have been added for stratigraphy and for management of geologic data, information and interpretations.

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