Geovecteur Plus V8.1 (January 2001)

CGG has released a new version of its seismic processing package GeovecteurPlus.

Version 8.1 of CGG’s GeovecteurPlus contains new interactive and batch applications and major upgrades to existing code. The Seismic Data Server allows users to access seismic data by line name, swath number or sail line. A new interactive velocity picking tool GeoVel allows processors to stack data on the fly.

4D Pick

The new 4th Dimension Picking Station aids in event location with a search algorithm incorporating an extra parameter such as offset, or velocity.


Twenty five new batch processing modules and upgrades bring new functionality to filtering, attenuation, restoration, deabsorption and deconvolution. Near-surface and elastic modeling, pre-stack time and depth migration and attribute analysis (including anisotropy) are also featured in the new software.


A new processing module “Lemur” attenuates groundroll, based on a least-squares method and removes linear noise while preserving amplitude. The module is efficient on both dispersed and non-dispersed noise. Lemur can be applied on linear or cross-spread gathers. More from

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