Technoguide’s demonstration of ‘seismic to simulation’ using Petrel was a real tour de force in integrated data visualization. Petrel has adopted a generic approach to visualization as shown by placing a photo of the demonstrator at the rear of a seismic volume cube. This was then draped over the top reservoir surface, an action of little apparent use. But swap the draped image for a map of water saturation from the simulator – and suddenly you get the idea.
Using ‘commodity’ (i.e. PC-based) hardware, Petrel allows disparate data types to be viewed in an arbitrary fashion. Technoguide is steadily evolving Petrel from passive visualization into a real interpretation environment. Autopick of seismics is achieved in a visually interactive manner, allowing for QC of the 3D geological model before input to the simulator. Fault mapping is the key; fault ‘pillars’ can be digitized and molded to the fault plane. Seismic data can be paged in to check fault positions. Pillars on intersecting faults can be joined – to ensure a space-filling interpretation.
Horizon data is then imported – and shortfalls and overlaps are fixed. Once the structure has been fixed, seismics is brought back for attribute and isopach mapping of conformable reservoir limits. A variety of tools such as fence diagrams can be used to view arbitrary combinations of model, attribute and seismic data. Geo-bodies can be inserted with geostatistical techniques allowing a variety of body geometries. Horizons can be generated with ‘erosional rules’ to map truncations, erosion and other trends.
Time lapse
A movie player allows time-lapse simulator runs (not seismics) to be animated. Again, the seismics can be recalled to check apparent production barriers. The grand finale was a flight through the reservoir – just digitize your flight-path and off you go. Cute help pop-ups added to Petrel’s ‘star of the show’ status. A nearly flawless demo except for the painfully chintzy background music.
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