The rapprochement between CGG and Paradigm Geophysical has provided a fast-track to commercialization for software developed by French oil conglomerate TotalFinaElf. Most all CGG interpretation software, from Integral Plus to Stratimagic, originated as in-house developments by Total or Elf. Stratimagic for instance, originated as the Elf-developed Sismage software. TotalFinaElf has signed further agreements, directly with Paradigm, for the implementation, within Paradigm’s GeoLog, of in-house developments Diamage and Facimage.
Diamage offers tools for advanced interpretation of array wireline log information, while Facimage introduces automated facies classification techniques. The tools, patented by TotalFinaElf, have been developed over years of testing and calibration with core data, and are said to facilitate the analysis of large volumes of well log data.
Elf Exploration Production is a corporate-wide user of GeoLog and its petrophysics interpretation package. Integration of the two products within GeoLog will be carried out in Paradigm’s Well Technology R&D Center in Brisbane.
TotalFinaElf Petrophysics Technical Manager Gilles Bourdarot said “We will benefit from having our proprietary techniques available to all engineers and operating subsidiaries in a well-supported, commercial environment. This will give our scientists more time to pursue original research.”
Paradigm Chairman, Eldad Weiss said “As a result of this agreement, TotalFinaElf’s experience will soon be available commercially.”
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