GeoQuest’s Decision Point is an enterprise information portal to services, software and domain expertise. GeoQuest president Thierry Pilenko claims “With Decision Point, all end users, including E&P managers and executives, have better command of the critical information that is important to individual, team and corporate success. This information solution addresses the requirements of majors, independents and national oil companies.”
Decision Point gives E&P professionals personalized access to validated information and analysis on the desktop and helps them collaborate with peers and managers throughout the company or throughout the world. From geology and geophysics to finance and risk analysis, Decision Point offers direct access to information located in data sources such as project databases, document stores, public and private information sources, data warehouses and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.
Information resources made available through Decision Point include structured data such as well data and seismic surveys (both public and proprietary), production, up-to-date financial performance indicators, and unstructured data such as reports and e-mail. The new GeoQuest service brings together the concepts of data management, access to data analysis tools, document classification, group collaboration, business intelligence, executive information and the company Intranet.
Users can participate in online communities, obtain and analyze organized internal content sources, access available public industry information and manage corporate knowledge. Portal Technology offers ease-of-use, extensive personalization and the aggregation of content sources for decision-makers. Decision Point leverages GeoQuest’s PowerHouse center-based E&P data management, the online portal for buyers, sellers and traders of E&P assets and data and the LiveQuest application service provider (ASP) solutions.
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