Interpret 2000

A white paper from Landmark provides insight into new seismic data formats.

Landmark has revealed* more details on its new format for horizon and seismic data as deployed in the Interpret2000 suite. The continuing explosion of data volumes in seismic acquisition and interpretation is forcing a re-think of how these massive datasets are handled through the interpretation process.


Claiming a ‘breakthrough’ in the management of such datasets, Landmark offers an environment where various new formats, lossy compression techniques and tiled data storage strategies are deployed in Interpret2000. The new tiled format helps manage large horizon datasets, offering significant improvement in display speed.

Bricks & tiles

Bricked and compressed formats perform similar functions for seismic data. All Landmark’s interpretations now read and write the new formats. New floating point data formats allow interpreters and data managers to optimize storage for 8, 16 or 32 bit datasets.

Fit for purpose

A variety of techniques help select fit-for-purpose compression strategies. The white paper is available from the Landmark website and offers a good introduction to the perplexing new world of multiple data sets, and the associated issues for the data manager.

* Interpret2000, Horizon and Seismic Data Formats, Kerr et Al, Landmark 2000 (

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