PDM’s 50th Issue

PDM celebrates its 50th issue this month, as the oil IT.com website, launched last year, received its 250,000th hit .

Since its launch in July 1996, PDM has provided regular coverage of upstream information technology news and events. Over the past five years, PDM has proved a prime source of unbiased reporting on industry developments and opinions.


From its beginnings as a paper-only subscription newsletter, PDM has grown to encompass a public domain website www. oilIT.com, a popular CD-ROM Archive, a free monthly email headlines service and our growing online Buyer’s Guide.


The latest addition to the PDM publishing empire, the electronic edition is now widely distributed to oil and gas company Intranets.

250,000 hits

It is fitting that as the paper issue celebrates its 50th edition, the website has received its quarter millionth hit! (see the article on page 4 of this issue) and is referenced by all the major search engines.


Our plans for the next 5 years? Keep learning, trying to explain the inexplicable and stay alert. Who knows what we’ll be talking about in 2005!

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