Alan Faichney of UK-based Concept Systems is to take over from Mike Norris as Chairman of the SEG’s Technical Standards Committee.
The UK Offshore Operators Association has approved the Marine Ancillary Data Standard (ADS) which now becomes the SEG-UKOO ADS Version 1. The new formats and C source code for a sample ADS reader are available on Most SEG standards and links to UKOOA standards are also freely available on the site.
SEG-Y Revision 1
SEG-Y revision 1 is being drafted by the PESGB Data Management Group. Main features of rev. 1 are: Stanzas added to dataset header, standard locations in trace headers. The new revision also accommodates high capacity tapes and other media. Grid Exchange File (GXF), an ASCII file format for gridded data is now in Revision 2.00. Changes include data compression, through the use of base-90 numbers and simple repeat value compression. Revision 2 has been adopted by the SEG Gravity/Magnetics Committee.
Polarity for field acquisition is well defined by the SEG 1975 and 1993 polarity standards. But processing display polarity is not directly covered by these standards. It was therefore proposed to extend the current acquisition based polarity standards to the processing environment. Any extension would need to address multi-component datasets.
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