Alberta Energy joins IndigoPool

Schlumberger’s e-commerce portal now claims over 2,000 registered members. Established in the UK and Canada, the ‘Pool is now set to conquer the world.

Alberta Energy Company (AEC) has signed up with Schlumberger’s IndigoPool acquisitions and disposals (A&D) portal. AEC landman Arnold Lee explained "We have  always been quick to deploy any good technology that helps us run our business more efficiently and intelligently.


The global exposure, communications efficiencies, and security that IndigoPool brings to our A&D deal-making efforts made the decision to get on board an easy one." Other fish in the ‘Pool, or on the UK sub-portal LIFT, include Amerada Hess, BP Amoco, Burlington, Chevron, Crestar Energy, Elf Exploration, Enerplus Group, Gaffney Cline, Hunt, Kerr McGee, Marathon, PanCanadian, Petrolin, Shell, Texaco, and TOTALFina.


Satish Pai, general manager of IndigoPool said "Our global reach and worldwide network infrastructure will now enable IndigoPool to host assets and data from Africa, the Americas and Australasia." Powered by GeoQuest and Merak technology, IndigoPool is building alliances with industry data and information vendors, brokerage and consulting services, and other third parties who add value to the core IndigoPool product. 

2000 users

Schlumberger  claims over 2,000 users have now registered on the site. Member benefits include online access to the data and assets of participating companies.

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