PGS has won a major contract to deploy reservoir characterization technology on one of the world’s largest offshore oilfields, the Zakum field in Abu Dhabi. The survey is expected to start in July 2000. This 15 month survey will cover 1,500 square kilometers and as such, represents one of the largest PetroTrac surveys to date.
The new survey will allow ADNOC to improve production performance through enhanced reservoir definition and can serve as the base survey for a future time-lapse 3D reservoir monitoring program.
PGS president Bjarte Bruheim said "PGS is pleased to have won this major contract against tough competition. Increasing focus on reservoir seismic studies is now a key trend in the spending patterns of both major and national oil companies. Specialized, reservoir-focused seismic technologies are the only means of describing the reservoir and its fluids between the wells, and allow our customers to locate wells optimally so hydrocarbon recovery can be maximized."
Other fields that have benefited recently from PGS’ PetroTrac technology include Varg, Foinaven and Banff fields in the North Sea, the Penglai field in China’s Bohai Bay, India’s Bombay High and Umrat field, and Mexico’s Abkatun field in the Gulf of Mexico.
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