Labrador gets pat on the back

From oil and gas GIS to business intelligence, Sterne Stackhouse’s Labrador Enterprise Transformer has been successfully benchmarked by the Aberdeen Group.

Calgary-based Sterne Stackhouse Inc.’s (SSI) traditional market has been the oil and gas industry. SSI’s Petro-LAB suite is a real-time query and mapping package allowing for retrieval of E&P objects such as real-time well tickets, enhanced PL100 reports and detailed SegP1 seismic reports.


Now, Petro-LAB’s real-time ad-hoc querying and self-service reporting, has been extended into a new, non E&P specific data mining package, Labrador which has just been evaluated by consultants from Boston’s Aberdeen Group. Their report, "Labrador: Redefining the Value of Query Software", describes the package as “a revolutionary business intelligence solution.” The report’s author, Bob Moran said Labrador’s strength lay in "allowing business users to think and analyze in the language of their business".


The Aberdeen Group found that Labrador, improves on existing online analytical processing (OLAP) and query tools. The Labrador framework has eliminate the need for a technical specialist to continually mediate between the source database and the end business user to conclude "Labrador delivers query software that reaches well beyond reporting to become a true analytical 'tool of the masses'". Labrador was field tested by Denver cancer treatment specialist OpTx. SSI CEO, Ron Sterne said "We decided to delay undertaking independent research until we had clearly proven that Labrador thrives in very complex data environments outside of oil and gas, such as OpTx Corporation’s forty oncology datasets. Needless to say, we are pleased to be viewed with such high regard by a leading research firm." More from

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