The International Center for Gas Technology Information (ICGTI) has selected Excalibur Technologies’ RetrievalWare WebExpress (RWWE) as the search engine for its GTIonline web portal. GTIonline is described as a "virtual marketplace" where buyers and sellers of gas technology can meet to discuss technology issues online.
Under the agreement, ICGTI will use Excalibur RWWE to provide intelligent search to its users, helping them retrieve information from all sources related to the natural gas industry. RWWE indexes and searches a wide range of formats including text files, HTML, PDF, XML/SGML, relational database tables and over 200 proprietary document formats. Search capabilities include concept and keyword searching, pattern searching and query-by-example. RWWE targets distributed client/server environments with thousands of users, voluminous data and/or multiple media assets.
ICGTI Director Mary Lang said “GTI’s users require a robust search engine able to focus on highly technical information relating to all segments of the natural gas chain. Excalibur provides an effective way of indexing and transferring such information to our users." Founded in 1995, ICGTI now has nearly 1000 members including GRI (USA), BG Technology (UK), the European Commission, Directorate General - Energy, the Danish Gas Technology Center and the U.S. Department of Energy. ICGTI is operated by GTI Inc., a subsidiary of the Gas Research Institute. Visit on
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