XML in upstream IT

POSC is redefining itself as an e-commerce enabler and technology - watch service provider. One closely-observed technology is XML, which is the subject of a POSC-maintained public mailing list.

XML, the new(-ish) web markup language (see PDM special edition, August 1999) is increasingly deployed in oil and gas e-commerce. The Petrotechnical Open Software Corp. (POSC) is to maintain a public mailing list for parties interested in following developments in this field, and has been investigating XML take-up in oil and gas.


Apart from POSC’s own efforts, the Petroleum Industry Data Exchange (PIDX) committee of the American Petroleum Institute (API) is looking to include XML definitions in its standard.

Blue Book

The Petroleum Production Reporting System (PPRS) of the UK DTI - aka the “Blue Book 2000” is to use XML for production reporting. The US Minerals Management Service’s use of XML is reported on page 3 of this issue. Other XML enthusiasts and BizTech for Energy, and commercial software vendors such as, Peloton and others. Both PIDX and POSC are holding XML seminars in Houston (July 11-13). You can sign up for the POSC xml mailing list on the website www.posc.org.

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