PDM CD-ROM Archive 1996-present

The Petroleum Data Manager Archive contains the full text of Petroleum Data Manager from 1996 (Volume I) to the present together with valuable information from our sponsors. Indexes are provided for access by year and month, and also by Company, Topic and Product.

The CD contains a wealth of information with:-

Over 700 company references

Over 500 people

Over 100 product references

300 technologies

150 general topics in Oil and Gas IT

The CD also contains regular conference reports, standards body activity, interviews with industry leaders and of course, all of Petroleum Data Manager’s acclaimed editorials. Finally, contributed materials form our sponsors make the CD a unique reference for oil and gas IT.

Upgrade to monthly electronic edition & site license

Once you’ve tried out this single user edition of PDM you’ll appreciate why major oil and gas companies now subscribe to PDM’s monthly Electronic Edition. Offer your knowledge management teams and upstream communities of practice valuable content for their intranets. PDM covers most major oil and gas conferences and exhibitions with on-the-spot reporting and is acknowledged as the journal of reference for upstream Information Technology. For details email intranet@oilit.com or fax +331 4623 9596.

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