Halliburton unit Sperry-Sun Drilling Services, has teamed with sister company Landmark Graphics Corp. on the RESolution 3D (R3D) project, a real-time 3D drilling and reservoir decision support system offering visualization and updating of earth models at the rig site and in the office.
R3D uses Sperry-Sun’s INSITE rig information system to acquire and manage real-time drilling data which is passed on to OpenWorks. This makes real-time data available for Landmark’s interpretation applications such as SeisWorks, EarthCube and PetroWorks. At the rig, the same data can be used in well steering planning software, such as Compass. R3D has undergone six months field-testing at locations throughout the world and has already impacted well decisions such as casing seat location and horizontal well landing.
Halliburton President and CEO Edgar Ortiz said "An integral part of Halliburton’s vision is to be the leader in real time reservoir solutions. R3D removes a long-standing barrier between the rigsite and the office, enabling real-time improvement of subsurface understanding.” Landmark President Bob Peebler adds "By linking real-time drilling information directly into Landmark’s OpenWorks, critical decisions can be made where and when they are required, without the constraints of data availability, and communications.”
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