Like many software infrastructure suppliers GoCad has a hard time positioning its offering. Is GoCad/T-Surf a supplier of a geometry engine? Yes, it is the core of Landmark’s earth model technology. Is it a research tool for in-house use by oil and gas companies? Yes again, with enthusiastic clients such as Exxon, TotalFinaElf and Texaco. Increasingly though, T-Surf is is positioning GoCad as an end-user application in its own right, aimed squarely at the shared earth model niche for integrated reservoir analysis.
The new product GoCad 2000 is described as a ‘cost-effective’ suite of reservoir modeling tools which allow geoscientists and engineers to visualize, share and improve the same data. GoCad 2000 includes modules for immersive Virtual Reality, geostatistics and risk evaluation. An OpenSpirit connection to OpenWorks and GeoFrame is available.
New workflow functionality provides the ability to build dynamic structural models from a seismic or geologic interpretation, including the fault framework. From the geologically consistent structural model reservoir rock volumes can be computed.
GoCad comes in two packages, an end-user version and a developer kit for integration of GoCad with existing applications.
The Developer version includes the GoCad libraries and the GoCad Development Framework. GoCad 2000 is available on Windows NT and on UNIX workstations from Hewlett Packard, IBM, SGI and SUN. Linux versions are also available.
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