Knowledge Systems Inc. (KSI) of Stafford, Texas has announced strong sales for its geopressure prediction software DrillWorks/Predict. BHP Petroleum Americas, Deminex Egypt, Phillips Petroleum Company and EarthOil Nigeria have all recently acquired Drillworks. Claimed as a world leader for geopressure analysis, Predict offers interpretive and analytical software to determine overburden stress, pore pressure and fracture gradients for both existing and proposed wells. Predict users can anticipate geopressures in the office during the planning phase or in real-time during drilling using a variety of methods and models. KSI CEO James Bridges states “Predict is designed to support the user in circumstances where the perfect set of data is not available and new methods are constantly being developed. Our goal from the beginning has been to provide the oil industry with an intuitive tool that would empower the user to reduce drilling costs and increase safety.”
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