Paradigm v. Zokero

Paradigm Geophysical has instituted legal action against Canadian software house Zokero Inc. over its SeisWare application.

Paradigm alleges infringement of intellectual property rights to its seismic interpretation package Seis-X. It also alleges that employees of Zokero, previously with either Paradigm of Cogniseis are in breach of confidentiality and/or non-competition agreements. Seis-X (previously the Photon interpretation suite) was acquired by Cogniseis, itself bought by Paradigm.


A Paradigm source told PDM "We understand that some Zokero employees worked for Photon in the past, and concluded that there was a possibility that SeisX source code was being used illegally. We have obtained a court order leading to a seizure of evidence which is currently being examined by a court expert."

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