Harc CTN

A new technology watch program initiated by HARC targets the oil and gas business.

The Houston Advanced Technology Center (HARC) has launched the Center for Continuous Technology Networking. Described as “A comprehensive resource to help you stay on top of the technology explosion”, the CTN sets out to identify, evaluate and disseminate up-to-date information on rapidly changing technology in the petroleum industry.


The CTN reflects a change from the days when proprietary technology was viewed as conferring a competitive advantage. Now, even the smallest operator can purchase and utilize state-of-the-art technology. The challenge is no longer access to technology but rather understanding how it can be used most effectively.


The CTN will provide frequent internet updates on key topics tailored to the members’ interests and bi-monthly technology reports prepared by technology experts in specific areas. Domains to be covered by the CTN include drilling, IT, seismics, data base services, economics and HSE. Membership is $10,000 per year. More from www.harc.edu.

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