1,200 cpu machine for Spectrum

Spectrum has added an extra 1,000 processors to its seismic processing supercomputer and now claims teraflop bandwidth.

Compute intensive prestack imaging is becoming increasingly cost effective with the advent of commodity supercomputers built from clustered Intel boxes running the Linux operating system.

200 cpu pilot

Last year Houston-based Spectrum Energy and Information Technology Inc. built a 200 cpu machine to prove the technology and has just commissioned what it claims will be the most powerful Intel-based system in the petroleum industry. Spectrum quote a maximum capacity of nearly one teraflop from the new machine [note - Shell claim twice this figure for a similarly configured machine announced in last month’s PDM.]

Migrate 2000

Spectrum uses Exploration Design Software’s APEX Migrate 2000 seismic processing software which can cater for curved ray paths.

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