Enterprise Oil has signed a two-year world-wide agreement with Paradigm Geophysical for technology provision. The agreement gives Enterprise Oil unlimited global access to the complete Paradigm software suite including Geophysical, Geological and Petrophysical applications. Also included are consulting services and on-site support.
An important part of this solution is Paradigm’s interoperability technology, which enables direct interface into Enterprise’s Landmark software environment, minimizing data transfer and data duplication, permitting Enterprise’s geoscientists seamless access to Paradigm’s leading-edge technology.
Enterprise’s exploration director Andrew Armour added "We are delighted to have this integrated high-end solution available to us from Paradigm Geophysical to complement the technology currently made available to Enterprise’s geoscientists. Such software, and its utilization in an integrated environment, is an essential component in staying competitive in the oil and gas arena."
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