Oilfield Data Manager

New software from Production Geoscience Ltd. will help manage and interpret biostratigraphic and other data.

Aberdeen based Production Geoscience Ltd. (PGL) is productizing some of the tools it has developed since it began its consultancy work 10 years ago. It’s first product, Interactive Petrophysics, hit the market last year and will be joined by a new tool Oilfield Data Manager (ODM) shortly.


ODM is a data management and analysis package for depth related information such as palynological, biostratigraphy, picked tops and other point curve data. The new product is currently being beta tested at several client sites. The Windows-based package allows for the display and correlation of data between wells. The software is not intended to replace interpretation suites. Rather its role is on a PC at the rig site, or in the office playing a QA role prior to data loading into the interpretation suite.


A single user license costs under £4,000. The flexibility of the product (data is held in an Access database) means that it can be extended to novel data types and has been used for chronostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy and engineering data. The vertical depth display can cater for supra-horizontal well bores. ODM will be released early in 2001. More from www.pglweb.com.

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