PGS gets CDA

PGS is on a short list of one to take over operations of the UK Common Data Access data repository from QC Data early next year.

Subject to contract Petroleum Geo-Services (PGS) will take over the role of operator for the Common Data Access (CDA) data repository early in 2001. This contract was previously managed by QC Data, using the Axxes client software and server side software including CGG’s PetroVision and Schlumberger-GeoQuest’s LogDB.

Surf & Connect

All this is to be replaced by PGS’ Surf and Connect clients and a PetroBank server. The scope of services remains - digital and hardcopy well data and seismic navigation data. Well data will be managed through PetroBank’s well data module - which deploys Recall technology from Baker Atlas. CDA members expect PGS to extend the coverage to other data types and PDM was told by Jor Gjose, PGS’ UK boss, that it plans to promote its multi-client seismic library through the repository. PGS will also be loading proprietary 3D seismic from seven CDA members companies. PGS estimate that around 70% of all UKCS 3D seismic is already on the UK PetroBank.


A new PetroBank center will be commissioned in Aberdeen early next year which will duplicate the existing Maidenhead PetroBank. PGS’ Joe King told PDM “The plan is to move from an ISDN/FTP type of access to full web access, and we will install a high bandwidth connection to link Maidenhead with the new Aberdeen center. Substantial storage resources will be deployed at both locations, with some 2TB of disk at both localities and a 30 TB tape silo at Maidenhead.”

Soft objects

Document management is performed with a proprietary ‘soft object’ data store, with E&P data centric indexing. PGS will also offer on-demand document scanning.


PGS is working with the British Geological Survey to ensure seamless operation with DEAL. The DEAL/CDA separation is intended to separate the web component from the repository. Migration to the new system will take place early 2001, with a transfer of operations in the second quarter 2001. PetroBank has been in operation for five years in the Norwegian Diskos national data store. More from

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