Hampson-Russell Software is leading an industry sponsored R&D effort to develop software tools for use in time-lapse seismic reservoir monitoring. The Time-Lapse 4D (TL-4D) project has support from Alberta Energy, Chevron, Pan Canadian, Texaco, Statoil, Agip, Total and YPF. The program includes a well log toolkit, fluid replacement modeling, zero-offset synthetic seismic generation, and a library of functions for the display, comparison, analysis and interpretation of multiple time-lapse 3D data volumes. TL-PRO4D is developed using the standard Hampson-Russell Software database structure.
This insures that pre-stack attributes from AVO, reservoir property predictions from EMERGE and inversion results from STRATA can be easily integrated into the 4D interpretation. The software also links to Landmark 3dv interpretation files and OpenWorks well log databases. Hampson-Russell’s Keith Hirsche told PDM “The project is ahead of schedule and we are projecting commercial release of the software in March 2001. We have made 3 Beta releases to our sponsors and several companies are already using the software.” More from www.hampson-russell.com.
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