Cooperation between the various upstream standards organizations was briefly on the agenda last year as POSC set out enthusiastically to set up a new inter org body “Open Energy Exchange” (PDM Vol. 4 N° 10) Although this overture was met with coldish shoulders from the rest of the dot orgs, one project has survived, in a somewhat truncated format.
Since the first E&P data was modeled, users have been crying out for tables to be populated with reference data. POSC and Calgary-based PPDM have been working together for one year on a pilot project to provide standard populations of reference tables to evaluate feasibility and establish a methodology for a full-scale project.
The six initial reference tables are well elevation type, country name, media type, seismic dimension, seismic energy type, seismic recording format.
The PPDM Association is following up on the pilot by incorporating other industry-specific reference data sets, to ensure the continued development of new reference tables, and to maintain existing tables, is presently preparing a detailed Business Plan. The results of this Business Plan will dictate the scope of the continuing project.
The PPDM Association and POSC will continue to work together to further reference value standardization within the industry. The results of the Pilot Project are available at the following websites: PPDM Association POSC
PDM comment - POSC and PPDM have to be congratulated on this cooperative effort. But it is a pity that the scope of the reference data collaboration is so limited. Most users expected a far greater depth of reference data to emerge from the project. The bitter truth, as one data vendor put it at the reference group’s kick-off meeting last year, is that reference data is costly to collect, and even costlier to maintain. A serious attempt at providing and maintaining really useful reference data would appear to be beyond the means of the standards orgs at the present time.
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