Green Montain Geophysics’ MESA (September 1999)

Version 5.0 of GMG’s Mesa survey design software optimizes acquisition geometries for cost and imaging.

Green Mountain Geophysics, a subsidiary of Input/Output, Inc. has released MESA 5.0, described as ‘the industry-leading survey design software’. MESA is designed for 2D and 3D land, transition zone and marine acquisition projects. Bud Pope, GMG’s General Manager says "MESA 5.0 provides substantial new features focused on maximizing acquisition geometries for cost and imaging objectives. Direct data links to the I/O System 2000 will improve productivity and reduce errors." Enhancements to MESA include: support for vertical geometries, auto-repelling exclusion zones to move stations/shots, geometry spreadsheets for editing designs, flex binning capabilities, numerical template editing, graphical layout of shot and receiver lines, and marine output, along with optional array and migration aperture functionality. MESA 5.0 is fully integrated with the I/O System 2000 and runs on both PCs and workstations. GMG of Boulder, Colorado, is celebrating its 20th year as a geophysical software provider to the petroleum industry.

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