AVO capability from de Groot-Bril (September 1999)

The latest version of deGroot-Bril Earth Sciences’ dGB-GDI boasts an amplitude versus offset (AVO) module developed in collaboration with BG Gas Research Technology.

dGB-GDI version 2.7 was released in last month. New with this is an AVO modeling capability developed in cooperation with BG Gas Research Technology Center. The new module generates full-waveform pre-stack gathers and stack responses. With the new release the software has been repackaged into three parts, aimed at different groups of users.


GDI-START is a stand-alone software package to perform stratigraphic analysis and reservoir characterization. It is aimed at users who are interested in quick-look evaluation of exploration prospects or reservoir description. GDI-START supports free-format integration of seismic data, well logs, geology and production data, extraction of well- and seismic features such as waveforms,  and single and multi-trace attributes. Non-linear inversion using supervised and unsupervised neural networks is also supported. The software can be used in rock-physics studies and for 2D, 3D and 4D seismic lateral prediction, and facies/pattern analysis.


GDI-SIMULATE is aimed at more detailed reservoir characterization and stratigraphic modeling through modules including a stochastic pseudo-well simulator, a Markov chains-based sequence analyzer and model builder, Gassmann fluid replacement module, a stochastic inversion module and the capability for quantitative analysis of neural network generated seismic patterns. GDI-SIMULATE is used in areas with low well coverage and/or to quantify the uncertainties of the results produced by GDI-START.


GDI-PRESTACK contains the new AVO modeling capability and is used in combination with GDI-SIMULATE's pseudo-well simulator for AVO modeling and prestack data analysis to predict reservoir fluid type, saturation and lithology.


Version 2.7 functionality includes one-touch modification of seismic and grid displays, to toggle between different color maps, or stretch and squeeze the color bars. Seismic wavelets can now also be viewed and loaded from an ASCII file directly in the GDI software. dGB’s development team is currently working on the link to SeisStrat-2D, a Statoil research project and last but not least the OpenSpirit link. More from www.dgb.nl

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