New Montaj from Geosoft (September 1999)

Geosoft’s latest release of Oasis Montaj offers a synergistic approach to near-surface data analysis.

Canadian Geosoft's products span environmental, mining and oil and gas exploration. They apply a combination of generic image processing technologies with domain specific know-how such as gravity and magnetics for oil and gas. The latest release v4.3 of the flagship OASIS Montaj product offers shared capabilities, and specialized applications and tools that improve decision making and knowledge sharing.


The heart of OASIS montaj is the core Data Processing and Analysis (DPA) platform. This allows for rapid communication of results between decision-makers and technical professionals via "E-maps" and interactive interpretation using new CAD capabilities.


The new release also promises improved data access including ArcView connectivity and workflow and performance enhancements through new data compression formats. New tools are provided for geochemistry, geology and geophysics. Oasis Montaj now includes the Geosoft Executables (GX) Developer Toolkit and public domain API. More from

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