Open Spirit delivers (September 1999)

Open Spirit has shipped V1.0 Beta middleware to 70 E&P companies and has got the go-ahead for phase 2.

70 E&P companies in the OpenSpirit Alliance and OpenSpirit Special Interest Group (OSIG) have received copies of the Beta software for E&P application interoperability. These companies include leading oil and gas companies, software vendors, systems integrators, standards bodies and research organizations.

Version 2

PrismTech has also announced that work has started on Version 2 of the middleware. This next release of the Framework will add support for interpretation objects, 2D seismic, as well as enhanced coverage of well data. In addition, Version 2 will include new features such as the capability to persist objects, as well as project and session management facilities. Shell, Chevron and Schlumberger GeoQuest have underscored their continuing support for the OpenSpirit Framework by sponsoring the Version 2 development.


To help developers deploy the new software PrismTech has launched the OpenSpirit Newsgroup. More from the website on

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