GeoQuest has had two successes in the developing trend for one-stop E&P software shopping. Fortum Petroleum AS (Oslo) and Santa Fe Snyder have both awarded software contracts to the Schlumberger unit. Fortum has operations in the North Sea, Russia and Middle East. Fortum’s Knud Nørve stated "We are very satisfied with the service we received from GeoQuest during a software application and support pilot. GeoQuest staff members are dedicated and responsive”. Fortum Petroleum will have access to all of GeoQuest's E&P software. GeoQuest will be working with Fortum's geoscientists to develop workflow standards through data and software integration. Fortum was formed by the merger of Neste and the IVO Group.
Santa Fe Snyder
Meanwhile, Santa Fe Snyder has signed a multiyear contract naming GeoQuest as the “primary supplier” of geoscientific technology to Santa Fe Snyder (SFS). Again, GeoQuest is to supply its full software suite and will provide project conversion, training and workflow consulting. In addition to its US domestic operations, SFS is present in South America, Southeast Asia and West Africa. See this month’s PDM interview with SFS’ Doug Nester for the rationale behind the software deal.
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