Molli’s MICA – Petroleum Engineering and Economics for Windows. (June 1999)

Molli Computer Services, Inc. has just released new Windows based petroleum engineering and economic analysis software.

MICA For Windows presents oil and gas well production data graphically for analysis by the end user. Data can be imported from PI/Dwights, Lasser, and ASCII text files in any format. The program offers an intuitive user interface, comprehensive economics, and flexible decline curve analysis and reporting.


Oil, gas, and three other revenue producing streams can be forecast using empirical ARPS decline curve equations. The projections can be modified graphically by dragging anchor points on decline segments. MICA performs comprehensive economic calculations, but data entry is kept simple through the familiar Windows interfaces.

20 calculations

MICA offers over twenty correlation calculators that perform a simple, yet frequently used correlation for a needed parameter such as the Z factor and can export any program data to Excel. More from, 719-520-1790 and

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