IEDS' PeNplus to migrate to IRIS21 (June 1999)

Following the operational merger of Petroconsultants and IEDS, IHS Energy Group has selected the IRIS21 database as the integration platform of choice for production data.

Acquisitive IHS Energy has amassed quite a range of databases over the last year or so, and is attempting to rationalize. International scouting data is to be housed in the ex-Petroconsultants’ IRIS21 database. Data from ex-IEDS’ PeNplus including wells, fields, contracts and cartographic, will all be migrated to IRIS21.

300,000 records

Currently the IRIS21 wells module provides worldwide coverage outside of North America and contains over 300,000 well records. The PeNplus database contains 140,000 well records covering South America, Africa, Middle East, Asia, Australia and East Europe. The objective is to merge the two well modules into one, thus enhancing the quality and the quantity of data in the improved IRIS21 wells module.


The procedure for merging the wells module is as follows:

1. Match all duplicate wells from IRIS21 and PeNplus.

2. Identify all records in PeNplus that are not in IRIS21.

3. Standardize all new well records and input into IRIS21.

4. Analyze and merge all basic data from the "matched" wells.

5. Input and merge all data not included in the basic data merge.


Data matching and migration of the anticipated 19,000 new records is expected to be completed by mid 1999. Complere integration of well attributes for the duplicate wells in IRIS21 and PeNplus is country dependent but should be completed by mid 2000.

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