New plotting software from Zeh (June 1999)

Zeh Graphic Systems, Inc., has released ZEHPlot-Personal Edition and ZEHPlot-Professional (ZEHPlot-Pro).

These single-user applications allow the user to view and print CGM, TIFF, and CALS files from geoscience software applications such as GeoQuest and Landmark, GIS applications such as ESRI, and high-end CAD systems such as CATIA, SDRC, and Unigraphics directly from a Windows workstation.

cut & paste

Pan and zoom are supported on a CGM, TIFF, or CALS file. Copy and pasting to Windows applications such as PowerPoint, CorelDRAW, and Canvas, format conversion and printing any Windows printer are also featured. ZEHPlot-Personal Edition costs $ 395 and ZEHPlot-Pro is $ 750 and can be purchased at ZEH's website,

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