Records fall as big boats float on cheap oil. (May 1999)

PGS has just announced the industry’s largest ever 3D marine seismic survey and Geco-Prakla have riposted with a claim for the most 2D production in a single day, with over 254 km and an 8,000-meter streamer.

The downturn in the industry at year-end 1998 could not have come at a worse time for the seismic acquisition business. Just as all the major contractors were preparing to launch new super-ships, the oil price cratered, and the bottom fell out of the seismic market. Well, not quite. Fortunately some clients saw the opportunity for some great deals.

$30 million

Such reasoning drove Petrobras to award PGS a $30 million contract for the largest ever 3D survey. This will keep PGS' Ramform Explorer's ten streamers busy for around 10 months and is intended as a "time zero" baseline study for future time-lapse studies.

Brazil ‘99

Schlumberger and TGS-NOPEC also operating in Brazil established their record with the Geco Marlin while shooting the Brazil'99 85,000 km. Spec survey. Claimed as the "largest contiguous 2D survey in history", Brazil'99 covers the Santos, Campos and Espirito Santo Basins. Follow the survey's progress on

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