New Website for OpenWorks developers (May 1999)

OpenWorks developers now have their own Website. A free devkit is also available.

The new OpenWorks Developer Network (ODN - web site is now open to the public. This site provides answers to OpenWorks developers' technical and business questions as well new software updates and information sharing between OpenWorks developers world wide. The OpenWorks Development Kit has been available for nine years and now includes a "freeware" version. The DevKit is used by 300 commercial software developers to connect to the estimated 7,000 OpenWorks licenses in use throughout the world.

PDM comment - we checked out the new web pages and there appears to be a lot of useful stuff. One thing struck us however. Despite Landmark's love affair with Microsoft, the ODN is firmly entrenched in Oracle and Unix country. Don't look here for anything about Windows or COM!

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