IHS Energy Group, has signed a letter of intent to form a strategic alliance with Geodynamic Solutions Inc. (GSI), a petroleum industry leader in GIS software technology. IHS Energy Group's P2000 (petroNet21) will provide the integrated data management system designed around the PPDM-based PIDM database. GSI will be responsible for developing and supporting an enterprise GIS product suite and will also offer additional services such as consulting, training, custom application development, and database solutions. "We look forward to combining our database management capabilities with Geodynamic Solutions, an industry leading GIS technology solution provider," said Dave Noel, CEO of Worldwide Information Services for IHS Energy Group.
"GIS technology and large, integrated datasets need to be accessible to the entire enterprise," said Kirk Barrell, president and CEO of Geodynamic Solutions, Inc. "The relationship between our two companies will allow us to provide a seamless, GIS and data management solution to the industry. GIS technology integrated with IHS Energy's well and production data provides a real advantage to companies wanting to operate more efficiently. It is critical for customers to have access to accurate, comprehensive and up-to-date information, and to have the technology to access and analyze that information. GIS technology is rapidly emerging as the primary tool for searching and analyzing spatial data in the petroleum industry."
Fall 1999
Geodynamic Solutions' enterprise GIS product suite, to be released in the fall of 1999, is being developed with software technology from the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI). It will consist of GIS applications utilizing ArcView, MapObjects, MapObjects Internet Map Server, and the Spatial Database Engine. More from the website on www.geodynamic.com..
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