M.W. Payne, vice president and general manager of Altana said "We have spent three years looking for an affordable solution to manage and integrate public Canadian oil and gas industry data with our own expanding inventory of proprietary information. The products and services offered by GeoQuest make up the best database management and integrated application suite we have seen at a price we can afford. Within a year we hope to have a fully integrated suite of applications and common data sources for all geologic, geophysical, engineering and land functions." The PowerHouse solution will enable Altana to browse, retrieve, map and store data from its field locations using GeoQuest's Finder integrated data management system. Altana's E&P work also will be supported by GeoQuest's CPS-3 mapping and surface modeling system, ECLIPSE simulation software, and the Oil Field Manger well and reservoir analysis software. GeoQuest will also be supplying training in the new software. Altana is a subsidiary of The Montana Power Company of Butte, Montana, a diversified energy and telecommunications company, operating domestically and internationally, with 3000 employees and assets of $2.8 billion.
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