Upcoming Conferences (January 1999)

Dates for your Diary....

March 2 - 4 GeoQuest European User Forum Paris Christine Hatcher Hatcher@gatwick.geoquest.slb.com
March 15-16 First Conferences Knowledge Management London Rachel Hardy +44 171 400 9595 Rachel@firstconf.com
April 7-9 IGN/ISPRS 3D Geospatial Data Production Paris Ghislaine Bordes +33 1 4398 8581 www.ign.fr/sfpt/manifestations/paris_99_us.html
April 11-14 AAPG Annual Convention San Antonio   916 560 2617
April 26-28 PNEC Petroleum Data Integration Conference. Houston Philip Crouse 214 841 0046 crouse_phil@msn.com.
April 29-30 PPDM Spring Meeting Houston Carol Paulin Info@ppdm.org

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