Kelman Technologies Inc. (KTI) seems to be benefiting from the industry downturn by implementing the new paradigm of off-site shared storage for seismic data. Following the growth of its seismic data management services in the Canadian energy market, Kelman has announced a brand new Archive Division located in Houston. The new center will be equipped with KTIs suite of seismic data management services from, bit to bit data reproduction to fully integrated on-line seismic data collections. Kelmans flagship DMASS service organizes and reconciles clients field, stack, section and support data. DMASS then creates an electronic library which allows instant retrieval any of the clients seismic data on-line, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. DMASS is a combined hardware and software offering built upon technology from IBM (ADSM distributed storage manager) and Sun Microsystems. The indexes and other metadata are stored in a database built around the Public Petroleum Data Model Associations standard.
Revenues strong
KTI report strong take-up of the system in Calgary which has resulted in record reported revenues in Q3 1998 for the division. Continued growth is anticipated for 1999 with the signing of 7 new archive contracts in the past 8 weeks. KTI now boasts some 30 subscribers to the Archive services. One satisfied client is seismic broker Request Seismic Surveys (RSS). which has struck a deal with KTI for storage and delivery of its brokered data. Todd Chuckry President of RSS claims, "The speed and accuracy of our data transactions has afforded us a competitive advantage that we are beginning to realize more as time progresses". Another happy Kelman client is Gulf Canada Resources (see PDM Vol 2 N° 6). GCRs Alice Bienia stated recently "More complete, integrated and accurate seismic data is being served on-line to our exploration community in minutes, resulting in effective decision making by our geophysicists Gulf has taken a significant step forward in establishing a strategic advantage in its exploration and trade data activities."
New Boss
Heading up the Houston operations is 20 year industry veteran Francis Bourgeois who becomes the Archive Regional Manager for the Gulf of Mexico. Bourgeois has over 20 years of seismic industry experience, most recently as President of The Woodlands Geophysical Group, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of PGS Data Management Inc., and Vice President of GeoBank, USA. Previous responsibilities include positions as Chief Geophysicist and Manager of Exploration with Pennzoils European office. Monica Sloan, President of KTI stated "We are pleased to have Francis spearhead the introduction of our revolutionary seismic data management solution to the Houston energy community." More from
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