Landmark has launched a new data exchange standard using XML to enable drilling applications to trade data. President Bob Peebler said "Landmark is not only integrating our own drilling software, but we are also making the DEX objects freely available on our Web site so that anyone can use them."
DEX is ‘based on the XML standard’ (see PDM Vol. 4 N° 8), which allows data to be used across multiple computing environments and applications. For example, a directional survey can be generated, and a wellpath refined in COMPASS and then transferred, via DEX, to StressCheck. Here, the impact of that change on the casing design can be quickly determined.
data objects
The following DEX data objects are currently defined: well data, casing scheme, directional survey, pore pressure, fracture gradient, temperature profile, pipe inventory, casing wear, bit data, mud data, and cement data. A DEX Development Kit will be available from Landmark.
Landmark insists that DEX is neither a database management system, nor inter-process communication. It is "just a data exchange technology". DEX object definitions are available on Landmark’s Web site - but intriguingly, there is no mention here of XML!
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