The PGS Ramform Vanguard has shot 375 sq. km. of time lapse 4D seismics over BP Amoco's Schiehallion, Loyal and Foinaven fields located West of Shetlands. Foinaven has been a proving ground for the 4D methodology which is used to map fluid movement during production (see PDM Vol. 1 N° 12) . The initial 3D seismic survey carried out in the area surrounding Foinaven in 1993 by the PGS vessel Nordic Explorer was the biggest in the world at that time, covering 2,050 sq. km.
Speaking of what has become a "symbiotic" technical and commercial relationship between PGS and BP Amoco, Dave Bamford, head of UK Exploration said "We have been impressed by PGS’ commitment to innovation in seismic operations and its safety management. We have built-up a mutually beneficial relationship."
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